Personal Projects

Belle (2019)

Photo book about Southern womanhood, self published 2019 with funding from the Royal Photographic Society. Created using a Canon DSLR, Adobe InDesign, Lightroom, and Photoshop.

Attesa (2017)

Photo book self published in parternship with Progetto Accoglienza, a welcome center for migrants and refugees in Borgo San Lorenzo, Italy. Created using a Canon DSLR, Adobe InDesign, Lightroom, and Photoshop.

Current Work (2022-ongoing)

Photo book in progress, documenting queer individuals who have come out later in life in Whatcom County, Washington.

YWCA Bellingham

Hired to singlehandedly conceptualize, create, and distribute print and Instagram content for YWCA Bellingham (5 hour/week contract, month-to-month beginning May 2023). Programs used include Canva, Adobe Premiere Pro, Adobe Lightroom, Sony mirrorless camera, iPhone, and Splice.

Sample Instagram Infographic Carousels

Sample Client Spotlight Carousels

Sample Reels

WHO Triple Billion Project

Hired a three-month contract with WHO’s emergency communications team to aid in the editing, packaging, distribution, and archiving of photo and video content around COVID-19 vaccines and WHO’s Triple Billion targets. The project was made possible by a collaboration between WHO and photo agencies Blink and Noor. Equipment used includes Adobe Lightroom, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Bridge,, and Lightrocket.

Sample Instagram Posts

Selected images, wrote captions, liased with country offices for approvals, and packaged content for social media.

Sample Medium Posts

Researched and wrote Medium posts using WHO data; selected, edited, and resized photos; and liased with relevant country offices for approvals prior to posting.

Sample Videos

Worked with videography team to provide feedback and edits using

Bellingham Alive Magazine

Since Time Immemorial

Assigned, photographed, and edited text for monthly series for Bellingham Alive spotlighting the stories of Lummi and Nooksack community members, as told in their own words. Created for print and digital publication in partnership with Sacred Sea (an Indigenous-led nonprofit in Bellingham).